What are the effects of exercise in reducing stress and anxiety?

Introduction: Stress and anxiety are an inevitable part of life in today’s life, especially in big cities. Unfortunately, according to the research conducted on the Forbes website, Iran ranks fifth

What are the right exercises for back pain?

When you don’t have the necessary mobility, your core muscles gradually deteriorate. As a result, due to high activity, it transfers pain to your spine. For this reason, most doctors

When is the right time to exercise?

You definitely know that exercising is an integral part of your life, especially in today’s car world; But you may be wondering when is the best time to practice. Whenever

What is body type or somatotype and how is it recognized?

Every person’s body starts to develop from the day they are born. Genetics and lifestyle will be the most important factors affecting body type. It is not bad to know

How does a stationary bike help with sciatica?

Sciatica pain is a terrible pain in the buttock area, which can disrupt people’s daily activities if it persists. Anyone who has experienced this painful condition knows very well how

What factors are important in choosing the right home treadmill?

One of the best ways to do aerobic exercise is to make it easier and more accessible. If you are interested in walking and running exercises, but due to some

Teaching all kinds of medicine ball throwing movements

Medicine ball is also known by different names such as medicine ball or medical ball. These products are usually available in different weights that will be suitable for all types

All about Tube Body Ectomorph, Diet and Exercise

If you are goal oriented in the exercises and you want to create information about your body type so that you can have a healthy diet, a great and happy

The effectiveness of bodybuilding in weight loss

 Body weight loss can always be done using various methods. Some people try to lose weight quickly by using a strict diet and others by exercising for hours and even

Types of bodybuilding exercises such as the Kush Power Band

Powerband sports elastics are natural elastics that are available in different colors in the sports market. Each of these Kush Natural Powerbands are available in different colors and have different