What is Exercise Yoga? Risks and benefits of yoga for the health of the body

In this article, yoga exercises and how to start the exercises, time to finish the exercises, how to choose and organize the body movements, clothing and nutrition in yoga and what occasions should not be performed yoga exercises, as well as important points that should be noted before starting the exercises. They have been described as attentive and actionable.

In this article, yoga exercises and how to start the exercises, time to finish the exercises, how to choose and organize the body movements, clothing and nutrition in yoga and what occasions should not be performed yoga exercises, as well as important points that should be noted before starting the exercises. They have been described as attentive and actionable.

1. How is yoga exercise?

2. How to start yoga practice?

2.1 When is the right time to do the exercises?

2.2 What occasions should yoga exercises not be performed?

2.3 How to choose exercises?

2.4 How to organize yoga exercises with your body?

2.5 What should we wear and eat before doing yoga exercises?

3. Important points that we should pay attention to before starting yoga practice

How is yoga exercise?

Yoga (Yoga) is one of the oldest traditions and beliefs of Hindus and Buddhists, which means nurturing and relaxing the soul and body, but this exercise is rarely recognized as a relaxing exercise in many Western countries. This exercise has many aspects of wisdom, including achieving relaxation, generating energy and strengthening the mind and body. The philosophy of yoga is based on self-knowledge and strengthening the mind and fear, and apart from the benefits it can have for an individual, it will also have very beneficial effects for a society. In fact, it was impossible to believe that yoga is only a physical exercise, because scientific research has confirmed that yoga exercise is not only effective on the body, but also on the organization of the life force (Pranic energy) and its flow, as well as on the human mind. .

The word is Sanskrit and means unity and it is approved by Yoga, which means unity with self, which gives thought, logic, reasoning and strengthening the body to man. To achieve this unity, a set of situations and situations known as Asana have been designed. Asana in yoga is to be placed in situations and positions in which the soul and body can be in complete peace .The resolution is meaningful. Asana is very effective for creating muscle tension and massaging the organs and internal glands as well as maintaining harmony between the organs and the nervous system in creating security and warding off many diseases and causes health in the individual. It is surprisingly effective in healing and relieving many diseases and even relieves or relieves pain. In general, yoga exercises are designed in such a way that they lead to the development and improvement of personality.

How to start yoga practice?

Yoga As mentioned, there is one of the ancient Hindu traditions that refers to the nourishment of the soul and body. In addition to nurturing the mind and spirit, continuous exercise can bring flexibility to the body, flexibility of muscles, proportion to the body, freshness and vitality in the individual. If you have a tendency to do yoga exercises regularly, you should provide the essentials and equipment needed for this exercise. You don’t need complicated equipment to perform yoga exercises, a mat, a blanket, a pillow, a yoga belt and a comfortable garment are all the equipment you need to perform these exercises. You can easily get all these tools from a store. Provided sports equipment.

When is the right time to do the exercises?

Practicing yoga in the morning will increase the energy level of the person throughout the day, but this exercise can also be done in the early afternoon or at night. But doing exercises in the morning can be a very interesting way to refresh the mind and relieve stress throughout the day. Usually, the duration of performing yoga exercises in one session is 1 hour to 100 minutes long, and even less time can be allocated for performing the exercises, even a person can perform only 15 minutes of unique and amazing benefits. Exercises like yoga are also beneficial.

On what occasions should yoga exercises not be performed?

The most important thing to start practicing yoga is to know when not to do each exercise. Pregnancy, back pain, spine, shoulder and knee pain, menopause, respiratory problems, during pregnancy and also in cases of high blood pressure, some yoga exercises are contraindicated. During the occurrence of each of these difficulties, some movements should not be performed or limitations for performing movement exercises should be considered. At the time of these difficulties, you should seek advice from the teacher and mentor to perform the exercise. If you are suffering from physical problems, it is better to consult your doctor before starting yoga exercises.

How to choose exercises?

For starters, it’s best to choose activities that you worry you can perform. Usually, yoga movements that are performed on the ground are more comfortable than those that are performed while standing, because you will not need much balance and strength to perform them. Also, movements that are performed with a pause or a pause are usually easier movements. We recommend that you choose yoga as a simple exercise to start with and add rest and relaxation to your exercises.

How to organize yoga exercises with your body?
The execution of the movement by the yoga instructor is done in such a way that you remember the correct way to perform the movement, but it does not mean that you do it exactly the same way for the first time, but you should perform the exercises in appropriate and different situations and ways. Test your body by performing the correct movements to get better. You can perform challenging and harder movements at the beginning of the exercises, but my recommendation is to perform the movements slowly and try to learn all the art of performing the movements correctly and perfectly, and then move on to more difficult movements. . There are several methods of making difficult movements. The first method is that you can increase the amount of pause in each movement, the second method is to perform serious and professional movements, and the third method is to speed up one movement and perform the next movement faster. But all these methods require that you have the willingness and flexibility to organize your physical movements well.
What should we wear and eat before doing yoga?

It is better to use loose and comfortable clothes to perform the exercises. You can even use absorbent clothes as long as it does not obstruct the movement and your freedom of action during the exercise. 1 to 3 hours before the start of the exercise, eat your own food and drink plenty of water or liquids before the start of the exercise and try not to use water or liquids to quench your thirst during the duration of the exercise.

Important points that we should pay attention to before starting yoga practice:

*Do not perform yoga exercises and exercises on your own without proper training.

*If you have a headache during pregnancy or are suffering from a serious illness, consult a specialist doctor before starting the exercises and keep in mind that yoga exercises are not for medical treatment.

*Know your body anatomy and evaluate your physical strength and physique before doing yoga exercises.

*Learn yoga in its final form and be sure to warm up your body before starting the exercise, because if the body is cold, the possibility of injury will be unavoidable.

*If you do not understand the execution of the movement correctly, definitely ask the instructor to explain and perform it again for you so that you do not get injured due to the incorrect execution of the movement.

*Wear appropriate clothing and choose clothing that allows you to move freely during exercise.

Objectives of Practicing Yoga
The purpose of exercise, especially yoga, is to maintain physical health and improve physical strength, strengthen muscles and bones. Exercises Physical exercise Yoga requires correct and high breathing, which naturally leads to increased activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which will result in fatigue and loss of physical energy. In yoga classes, educational exercises are designed in such a way that apart from improving health and strengthening physical strength, it also improves the development of personality aspects. Yoga exercises (asana) create muscle tension and massage .The internal organs and glands, as well as the creation of harmony between the organs and the nervous system, are effective in the creation and improvement of health and elimination of many diseases, and will lead to safety for the athlete to the point of relieving pain and even improving some diseases. Untreated can be beneficial or increase the pain tolerance threshold. In fact, yoga is exercise for self-realization and we cannot rely on the aspects and benefits of exercise alone. Scientific studies and researches have confirmed that yoga can have a significant effect not only on the body, but also on the organization of the life force (pranic), and the human mind.
Benefits of Cognitive Yoga
Conducting systematic yoga exercises is one of the appropriate ways to solve physical and mental problems. Certainly, the effects of practicing yoga are not completely curative, but by performing these exercises, a person can gain proper focus and control over the body, and gain more awareness of their own physical limitations and potential. Research has shown that yoga can have amazing effects on the human mind and spirit. In this way, performing yoga exercises can bring relaxation, balance, and proper physical fitness for the athlete, but the question is always raised that from a scientific point of view, what effects will performing systematic yoga exercises have on health? We will explain this question separately in several parts.
Benefits of yoga on bones, muscles and joints
During asana exercises, the muscles start to move and become active, which results in contraction and expansion of the muscles, and the result is flexibility and strengthening of the muscles. Regular yoga practice, like many other physical activities, will delay other osteoporosis processes that usually occur during puberty.
Benefits of yoga on the respiratory system and increase mental peace
Due to the existence of special and unique breathing techniques in yoga, the capacity of the respiratory system is increased and as a result, the effects of the harmful hormone adrenaline that causes stress in the individual is completely neutralized, which causes the person to feel relaxed. appear Also, depending on the respiratory condition, the amount of heart rate will decrease and the function of the cardiovascular system will also improve. From a philosophical point of view, yoga is an anti-stress and depression agent. ) Exercises result in a sense of peace and comfort in people.
Benefits of yoga on the cardiovascular system

Biochemical research on exercise yoga has shown that the effects of this exercise can be similar to an antioxidant (antioxidants), the action of which is simpler to explain, by reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and strengthening the immune system. be The effects of yoga on the blood vessels cause the blood pressure to decrease significantly and by restoring the blood circulation from the lower body organs, the process of blood circulation becomes easier and the heartbeat is regulated and more comfortable. People suffering from high blood pressure and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases or people who have already had heart attacks have therapeutic effects.

Benefits of yoga on physical strength and flexibility

Some of the yoga exercises focus on stretching the muscles. These exercises cause the lactic acid produced in the muscles to be released. will have p. Keep in mind that yoga will not only strengthen the muscles, but also cause all the soft tissues of the body, including the tendons, ligaments and tissues around the muscles to be strengthened and improve the flexibility of the body. So that the joints and organs of the body have more movement, this process causes the slippage of the joints and the movements of the body to be improved. Most of the yoga exercises are natural movements that improve the nature of the muscles and strengthen them because of yoga, the abdominal muscles, thighs and back thighs will be strengthened. Research has shown that only after eight weeks of starting yoga exercises, the individual witnessed a 35 percent improvement in flexibility in different parts of the body, such as the middle body (back and spine), legs and feet. It will be okay. By improving strength and flexibility, the body’s firmness and style will also improve significantly.

Disadvantages of Exercise Yoga

The researchers have come to the conclusion after conducting studies and experiments that stress yoga can soften the bones and joints of the body and increase the possibility of fractures in the bones and joints during puberty. Research has shown that although yoga is effective in preventing osteoporosis, some of the movements of this exercise, which are associated with excessive movement and bending of the back and spine, can lead to fractures and injuries in the back and vertebrae. According to the researchers, advanced yoga movements can also cause damage to the organs of the body and even lead to a change in body shape. It is true that stretching yoga exercises cause movement, expansion and contraction of the muscles of the body and strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility flexibility will keep the body in harmony and, like many exercises, it will slow down the growth of bones, but the performance of very advanced movements can bring many traumas. But to prevent and reduce the risk of injury, this exercise is fun.

Common Mistakes in Yoga Practices

Never imagine that serious and strenuous movements are necessarily the best movements: the best yoga exercises are those that a person enjoys and can perform easily. Not every movement can be suitable for every individual, in fact, the movement is not the same, but the feeling that the movement creates in you can be useful. Never prioritize flexibility over physical strength: First of all, you should know that yoga is not just a stretching exercise, and the individual should perform stretching movements according to the potential of flexibility and balance, and bending too much and without balance. be self-absorbed To perform stretching movements, you should strengthen your gluteal and hip muscles so that the hamstring muscles are relaxed while performing the movements. Muscles challenge themselves. Perform the breathing process correctly and correctly. As mentioned earlier, correct breathing is one of the components of yoga exercise. Correct and principled breathing combined with perfect concentration during the execution of movements not only causes mental relaxation, but also reduces the nervous system movements on the muscles that are challenged. As a result, the person will perform the movement with perfect calmness and without any defects.

Can you achieve weight loss and puberty with yoga?

In answer to this question, it should be said: If yoga exercise is done with a proper and targeted program and diet, you will witness weight loss and weight loss. But we must not forget that yoga is an exercise based on spiritual and psychological sciences that dates back to 5000 years, although today many people consider this exercise to be a physical exercise, but in fact, yoga, different aspects of life such as philosophy, Soul, mind, worry and even nutrition is healthy. Yoga teaches meditation from the body to the individual and the individual develops self-awareness of the body and soul. Yoga and Meditation They help the individual to increase his focus on healthy food, how to choose and consume them, and pay more attention to his body. Sports science researchers are of the opinion that doing yoga exercises with the purpose of weight loss is useful, but the appropriate yoga style should be chosen correctly for this purpose. If you have chosen this exercise with the aim of losing weight and getting fit, it is better to perform natural style exercises such as Ashtanga yoga. Natural style exercise sessions usually last for 90 minutes. These exercises will increase blood circulation in the body and as a result, more energy and calories will be consumed, and the muscles will be strengthened and bones will be more resistant to exercise stress. Shad If you really want to achieve weight loss with yoga exercise, you should have more than one functional and relaxing exercise so that your heart rate is high while performing the exercises. As mentioned earlier, yoga has different styles, some of which are focused only on relaxation and meditation, and to achieve weight loss and slimming, you should not rely only on stretching and relaxing exercises. . Keep in mind that natural yoga exercises, if done systematically and purposefully, will lead to weight loss and weight loss.

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