If you are goal oriented in the exercises and you want to create information about your body type so that you can have a healthy diet, a great and happy body, then follow us at the end of the article. Knowing how your body works will help you be more in tune with your body during exercise. In general, if we want to talk about body types, the human body has 3 different forms, including endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph.
What is a tapeworm ectomorph?
People whose physical appearance is thin, usually tall, thin shoulders, long arms and physiologically lacking in muscle mass are classified in this category. Those who are in this type of body have a very high metabolism compared to other people and are not prone to obesity at all; Therefore, if they intend to do bodybuilding exercises professionally, they should do their own research on bodybuilding exercises so that they can be useful in weight gain or successful in building muscle.
Characteristics of the bat body ectomorph
Bodybuilders who are obese ectomorphs usually have the following characteristic features:
· They have a higher metabolic rate than other people and have a leaner body and are more prone to obesity or weight gain.
· Their body structure is long and bony, and the shoulders of these people are thinner than other people, and they also have clear breasts.
· Muscle mass in this type of tuberculosis is much lower than in other categories.
· People who are ectomorphs have superior stamina and if they gain the same amount of weight, they can easily reach lean muscle after term.
· Chubby ectomorph women who fall into this category will have smaller breasts and slimmer hips.
· People who have a thick body type are called Ectomorph. Due to the fact that they have very little muscle tissue, their muscle strength will also be low. In order to increase strength and power, they must have a precise and continuous program and exercise should be a part of their lifestyle.
· In the science of sports medicine, there is a type of protein called myosin in the body, which helps in the growth of the skeletal muscle structure. Use proper nutrition.
· Availability of high-quality body parts is easy, provided that the search is programmed.
· They do not have much restriction in eating and can consume calories freely.
How to gain weight in an ectomorph
Better yet, how can you be an ectomorph? If you are obese and have difficulty gaining weight, you should have a professional body check and follow the factors mentioned below. To gain weight in the ectomorph, you do a few things together:
1- Get to know Macroha well.
2- Manage the exercise in the club well.
3- Have quality dreams.
4- Avoid low-calorie foods.
5- Believing in the technique is often progressive.
Identifying macros
Macrophages are part of the body’s nutrients that are obtained from 3 types of materials including fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In order to gain quality weight, we should consider the indicators of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Fats are the main source of calories in the body. It has been proven that people who are classified as ectomorphs should first calculate their daily calorie consumption index (TDEE) and find out how many calories they should consume through fats. It should be noted that the TDEE index is easily calculated by, The method can be done through online calculators. Proteins are also the main source of muscle fibers; Therefore, this nutrient is very important for muscle growth. The recommendation of the teachers is that people in this category should make about 35% of their total calorie intake as protein. Carbohydrates are also a natural source of free energy in the body, so you need these nutrients to increase your energy levels during your workouts. On the other hand, the fat body will need more carbohydrates to gain weight.
Manage your gym workouts properly
How to exercise in the club is very important for the body. People who are classified as ectomorphs should reduce the intensity of the exercises; Because these people have a different recovery rate compared to other types of body types. When you have intense bodybuilding exercises that do not have any useful time for rest, you are actually harming the structure of your muscles and body.
Have a good dream
Having a good quality sleep is the most important part of weight gain and body modification. When we are in a state of perfect rest, the body’s hormones are regulated. Lateral muscle tissue that has been challenged by various types of stress exercises will recover and repair with sufficient rest. Also, the central nervous system will also be rejuvenated. If you only rest for 6 hours a day, it is not suitable for this type of body. So, if muscle building and quality weight gain is important to you, it is better to have around 8 to 9 hours of sleep.
Eliminate low-calorie foods
Adequate diet does not mean that you eat freely, it is true that you are an ectomorph and there is no restriction in eating, but we should avoid consuming low-calorie materials. Because consumption of this content has no further benefit except that Siri will give you lies. Be aware of foods with high calories.
Use the law more often than not
In the bodybuilding world, we are always concerned about muscle mass. Sports coaches believe that human muscles are really smart, they have an extraordinary adaptability. If you as an ectomorph athlete are looking to experience quality weight gain along with muscle building but are not seeing results, you need to use advanced techniques. N rosh A good strategy for your muscular system is to grow and bulk up the tissues. You can use this technique by increasing the repetitions in the exercises and also by increasing the amount of weight in the second and third sets. Let’s say you are doing a 5kg dumbbell 3 set 8 barbell exercise. You can also add 2 repetitions to it, you will influence more of the muscle fiber, or you can add dumbbell weight to the second and third repetitions to feel the long-term growth and bulking of the muscles.
Feeding tube body ectomorph
As we have said before, such people will need more calories and nutrients due to their lean physique. Therefore, weight gain should be programmed. Ectomorph people have a high metabolism and therefore their stomachs are fast digesting. For this reason, they should eat more food. For example, be sure to use carbohydrates before exercise. They should also consume a lot of protein. An important exercise recommendation: For better results, you can use weight gainers (complete). These products contain ingredients that Proper exercise program and healthy nutrition provide the body with extra calories. Of course, this supplement is recommended for relatively thin people. Without planning and consumption of macronutrients including protein, fat and carbohydrates, you will not experience rush. Try to eat your meals at shorter intervals. For example, as a standard, it is better to divide your meals into 6 meals a day. The most important meal will be breakfast.
First breakfast
4 egg whites
· 1 whole egg
· 1 cup small almonds
· 1 cup of barley
· 1 cup fresh fruit (apple, strawberry and pineapple)
· Amino Acids + Glutamine (if recommended by nurse or physician)
The first snack
· 1 Scope Gainer + 1 Lion Lion
· Promise lunch
· Pure protein (lean steak, turkey, chicken, white fish)
· Carbohydrates (sweet potato or brown rice)
· Amino acids (if recommended by nurse or physician)
Promise before practice
· 170 grams of protein such as grilled salmon
· 75 warm pasta wheat
· A scope gainer
· A dose of glutamine
Promise after practice
· 200 grams of protein-rich meat or egg whites
· Carbohydrates (wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice)
· Fresh vegetables
The evening promise
· 170 hot meat without fat
· 225 hot sweet potatoes
· 30 warm nuts (almonds, pistachios, etc.)
Promise before sleep
Two tablespoons of she or one scoop of casein
Exercises suitable for the lean body ectomorph
For people with an upper body, the best exercises are special upper body ectomorph, compound exercises in a few muscles. Do not forget to use heavy weights to increase physical strength. If you need to know about bodybuilding program for ectomorph then stay tuned with us.
Exercise 1: specific muscles of the chest and back
· Purse
· Purse above chest
· Exercise fly chest with device parwana
· Practice cross hour simkash
· Movement back arm barbell supine
· Back arm exercise
· Dumbbell lying on the back
Exercises Day 2: Specific muscles of the armpit and forearm
· Deadlift or Barfax
· Exercise boat
· Movement
· Dumbbell elbow movement
· Barbell barbell movement
· Bend forearms up to dumbbells
· Front arm truck
Exercises on the third day for specific muscles
· Wallet including device
· Lateral movement with dumbbells
· Broadcast by Jalo Ba Dumbal
· Shraag halter from the back
· Cole Halter
Exercise on the fourth day specifically strengthens the leg muscles
· lay down
· Movement purse machine
· Longs
· Jalpa machine
· Sleeping on the back
· standing leg
Perfect complements for the slender body ectomorph
In this section, some of the complete body fit ectomorphs are introduced.
Creatine is a chemical compound that is produced by the liver and kidneys in the body and is later converted into another process called phosphocreatine by the muscles. This substance itself is the main source of energy in the body. When you exercise, the muscles use this substance to strengthen themselves. However, the human body has a limited source of creatine, so you can use this supplement before exercise with plenty of water without consulting your doctor.
Protein or gainer
Protein is one of the essential amino acids in muscles. This amino acid is produced naturally in the body or absorbed by the body through food. If it is diagnosed that you need to find more protein, you can use some protein supplements. Of course, sometimes it is recommended that in the case of diagnosis, the use of Gainer’s supplements, which also contain coarse-grained material, is also recommended.
Full details
When you use your own muscles, you will cause the accumulation of natural lactic acid in the muscles. When too much lactic acid accumulates or gets blocked in the tissues, you will feel fatigue and even pain in the muscles. Thus, with the reduction of acidity in the body, this fatigue is associated with delay. Please note that this amino acid is non-essential, which is produced in the body, but you can discover it completely through this method so that your energy does not decrease during exercise and you do not get tired quickly.
H3 – Caffeine
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that many of us may use on a daily basis. Consuming caffeine before a training session will lead to increased blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the brain and muscles. Consuming caffeine will increase the concentration and motivation of athletes and can be used as a complete pre-workout diet. The best suggestion is to drink a cup of bitter coffee before exercise.
H3 – Full Pump
This type of supplement is also used as a real post-workout supplement to increase energy and focus, especially among professional athletes. These supplements increase the endurance of athletes by increasing the blood supply system to the vital organs. Be careful, it is better not to overdo it while taking it and definitely take it with appropriate food.